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    5 Best Practices for Making Curls Last on Straight Hair

    Volumized and curled hair is a must-have hairstyle for most women. It does not only help frame the face but also adds depth to the head. Curling straight hair is an easy process. However, making the curls stay for the entire day is a challenge most women face daily.

    But there are ways to ensure the curls last, and the steps do not include frying the hair. Some leave their hair in a bun overnight, and others may use strong hair sprays to keep the curls in place. However, it all begins with prepping the hair for the curls. Here are some ideas.

    1. Avoid Using Shampoo and Conditioner

    Shampoo and conditioner are usually used to clean the hair and make it soft. However, these products can make the hair too smooth to maintain a curl throughout the day. Therefore, skipping them in preparation for curling should ensure the curls stay intact.

    Do not worry about not washing your hair before curling. Experts suggest skipping shampoo and conditioner for two to three days should be fine. But if the hair becomes visibly oily and flakey or the scalp starts itching, washing it should do the trick.

    1. Divide Hair Into Sections

    Divide the hair into sections before starting the curling process. Sectioning helps to create even, consistent curls and avoid any unwanted kinks. It also makes the entire curling process efficient, as it only takes a few minutes to cover every section than doing the hair in one swoop.

    Get a rat-tailed comb and divide the hair into manageable sections. There is no definite number of sections. But separate the hair into as many sections as possible to make it easier to curl the hair evenly. Use a hair clamp to secure the areas, allowing you to work on each section.

    1. Pin the Curls in Place

    Pin the curls in place while you work on the other sections. Use bobby pins to keep them in a circular shape, maintaining the curls in place. While the hair cools off, pinning the curls in place should prolong the curls throughout the day, even without using hairspray.

    Take a small amount of hair from the sectioned chunk, and curl it as usual, but do not let it fall. Instead, roll it back up using pins into a circle. A good rule of thumb is to take as much hair as possible because it shrinks when it dries, and the curls will be smaller than you expect.

    1. Hold Using Hairspray

    After finishing the last curl, hold the entire hairstyle using hairspray. However, remember to do it sparingly, as hairspray can make the hair too heavy, resulting in loose curls. Apply as needed but do not over-abuse the product.

    1. Style Accordingly

    After the entire head is curled and secured, style the hair accordingly. People only need to remember not to tinker with the curls too much. Once they are set, let the curls dry without touching them. Meanwhile, combing through the curls should make them look more defined and thicker.


    Curly hair is a great way to add some flair to your look. It looks stylish and is a great way to add personality to your appearance. There are several ways to curl hair, and you can choose the one that best suits your hair type.

    People can use curling or flat iron to create curls in sections. However, those with curly hair can use a flat iron for the best results. But people with fine and straight hair should maximize a curling iron as it can handle thin hair better.

    Nasmati Care offers a wireless hair curler in Lebanon, proven to produce well-defined curls—even on straight hair. Based on the recommendations of hair curling experts in the Middle East, we have made the hair curling tool the most efficient and perfect everyday curler. Shop on our website today and get it shipped worldwide for free.